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Pilates balance between corpus and brain

Pilates is already a modern name that is used in fitness. Correctly used as the “Pilates method”, which was educated by Josef Pilates, and was developed for the rehabilitation of the wounded during the first world war.

After he immigrated to the United States, where he offered to use his technique for the rehabilitation of athletes after injuries. So, the world picked up his methodology and soon began to use it as a direction in cross-functional, adapting the program for healthy people.

In Pilates categories, specific simulators have been educated called gratz. The main simulator was called the reformer. The type of fitness is movement at a very moderate pace, dynamic loads without strain, and overstrain. The system involves deep muscles and requires a lot of effort.

To uninitiated people, the exercises will seem quite simple, but in most cases, it is very difficult to implement them. Josef in its cross-functional methodology is similar only to yoga, but in basic yoga, muscle stretches are used.

Crossfitness Benefits and Limitations

Definitely, Pilates classes are useful from any side. After a few sessions, you feel an improvement in the condition of muscles, joints, and tendons. Some say that after training, the body itself says thank you.

This cross-functional is suitable for both women and men, it helps relieve stress. In the presence of injuries, and chronic diseases of the musculoskeletal system, a mandatory consultation with a sports doctor is necessary.

Do not listen to enthusiasts who claim that cross-functional training can be practiced at home. First of all, it is worth remembering the technique was originally developed in order to deal with the doctor. Crossfitness experts say that classes are possible only for those who have mastered level 3 training.

Pilates classes will aid:

  • growth stretching and versatility of the frame;
  • develop core muscles and prevent injuries;
  • restores muscles after injuries;
  • during the rehabilitation period, they will safely put on their feet;
  • improves blood circulation;
  • stabilizes breathing;
  • improves sleep;
  • help to cope with stress;
  • will help you feel your body better.

There are also contraindications in the technology developed by the doctor. They do not prohibit, they just do not recommend classes for people of the following categories:

  • women during pregnancy;
  • people with obesity;
  • over 40 years old, supervised classes;
  • with psychological disorders;
  • with acute pain;
  • fever;
  • osteopenia.

Fitness methods are all different, but follow the basic principles that Joseph Pilates created at the beginning of the 20th century:

  1. Principle of blowing – deep blowing
  2. The principle of the center – to find the center and source of energy of the body
  3. The principle of concentration is to keep the unity between mind and body.
  4. The principle of accuracy and control – all movements must be perfected to automatism